Privacy Policy

ASCA respects the privacy of visitors to its website and its member companies. ASCA strongly believes that if electronic commerce and online activities are to flourish, consumers must be assured that information provided online is used responsibly and appropriately. To protect online privacy, ASCA has implemented the following policy.

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What Information Does ASCA Collect?
Most data ASCA collects are not personal but business related to help ASCA better serve its members. ASCA does, however, collect members' home addresses and phone numbers, allowing the association to communicate with its members during the summer months when many are not available at their work addresses.

If you utilize the ASCA Conferences mobile app, you may also opt-in (optional) to have your steps tracked in order to win prizes (see below under Steps & Health Collection).

From the General Public Using Unrestricted ASCA Files
ASCA does not collect any personal information from users browsing its website. Users to the public areas of ASCA's website browse anonymously. Only aggregate data -- such as the number of hits per page -- are collected. Aggregate data are only used for internal and marketing purposes and do not provide any personally identifying information.

From ASCA Members, Conference Registrants and Other Customers
To gain access to some of the members-only or subscription-based areas of ASCA's website, users are asked to provide some limited information. This data is submitted voluntarily. ASCA asks users to provide their name, job title, school or organization, work and home address, work and home phone, fax and e-mail, and users may choose to provide ASCA with their credit card accounts to make payments. Similar information may be submitted to ASCA through membership applications, conference or seminar registration, publication orders and subscriptions.

Cookies and Web Beacons
In order to help enhance the performance and functionality of the sSite, we utilize session, persistent and third-party “cookies” that store a small piece of data on a users’ computers and collect certain information about the users’ visit to our site. We also use cookies to understand users’ browsing and buying activities so we can measure the success of online advertising campaigns we run on the site.Our site also uses web beacons (either directly or from our partners), along with cookies, to determine if a user has visited a particular website. These beacons aid in providing more relevant advertising to the user, as well measuring the success of an advertising campaign, but provide no personally identifiable information. 

Cookies are small text files that web servers typically send to users’ computer when they visit a website. Cookies are stored as text files on users’ hard drive and can be accessed by web servers when the user visits a website or views an advertisement. A session cookie is a cookie that stores information as a user is using the site but is deleted once the browser session is finished. A persistent cookie is a cookie that stores information as a user utilizes the site and stores and uses that information in connection with future visits of the user to the site.Third-party cookies and/or web beacons are cookies or web beacons provided by our technology and/or advertising partners .Any third-party cookie or web beacon that we authorize for use on the site only collects that information described below for the same stated purposes as if we were directly collecting the information. For a third-party cookie or web beacon, the third-party will have access to the collected information in order to provide us with information or services to enhance the performance and functionality of the site.

The cookies and web beacons we use collect non-personally identifiable information about users of the site, including: browser used to access the site, date and time, the URL of the page being loaded, users who have visited a particular website(s), any previously assigned cookie identification (a unique identifier assigned to a user to identify repeat visitors), browser window size, the geographic location of the user, device and operating system used to access the site. The information we collect from these cookies and web beacons is used to determine information about a user’s visit to our site, including the number of visits, average time spent, pages viewed, navigation history through the website and other statistics. This information is used to enhance the users experience while visiting our site and to improve the performance of our site by, among other things, allowing us to monitor site performance, making the site easier to use, measuring the effectiveness of promotional placements and tailoring the site (including the ads and offers a user receives) to better match a user’s interests and preferences. 

Users who prefer not to accept cookies can set their Internet browser to notify them when they receive a cookie or to prevent cookies from being placed on their hard drive. If you consent to our collection of cookies and you subsequently wish to withdraw your consent, you will need to manage the settings on your web browser to delete all cookies and disallow further acceptance of cookies. Please note that disabling cookies on your browser will prevent us from tracking your activities in relation to our site; however, it may also disable some of the functions and features of the site and the site may not work properly.

By continuing to use our site, you are agreeing to our placing cookies and/or web beacons on your computer in order to analyze the way you use our site. Please read this cookie policy carefully for more details about the information we collect when you use the site. If you do not wish to accept cookies or web beacons in connection with your use of this site, please discontinue use of the site.

A Note About Children
ASCA encourages its younger visitors to get their parents' permission before providing any information to ASCA. Although the nature of the Internet makes it impossible for ASCA to know the age of its visitors, keep in mind that ASCA does not collect any personal information about people of any age who visit the unrestricted areas of its website. Moreover, it is unlikely that ASCA will inadvertently collect personal information voluntarily submitted, as through conference registrations or order forms, because ASCA requires the name of an employer or a credit card account number - information that should exclude all but the most precocious minor.

How Does ASCA Use Data Collected?
ASCA uses other information voluntarily submitted by members, conference registrants, and other customers in the following ways:

ASCA Member Services and Products
Generally, ASCA uses data it collects to improve its own website content; to respond to visitors' interests, needs and preferences; to develop new products and services; and to provide individuals and their companies with information about complimentary ASCA products, services, promotions or special offers.

ASCA State/Territory Associations
ASCA may also provide data to affiliated state and territory associations to share information with their members about ASCA or state/territory news, products, services, promotions or special offers. This data may include names, job titles, organizations and primary addresses, phone numbers or e-mail addresses.

Disclosures to Third Parties
ASCA also makes limited member contact information available through the online Membership Directory to members visiting its Internet site and to those who register for its conferences. On occasion, ASCA may also provide limited data to third parties that offer products and services. These limited data include names, job titles, organizations and primary addresses, but do not include phone numbers, fax numbers or e-mail addresses.

Users may request ASCA refrain from disclosing the data it collects to third parties on the membership application form, conference registration form or any other form on which they are providing information. Alternatively, users may contact ASCA to express their preferences.

Health and step tracking information is never shared.

Credit Card Account Information
ASCA does not disclose credit card account information provided by its members and customers. When members and customers choose to pay using their credit cards, ASCA submits the information needed to secure payment to the appropriate clearinghouse.

Steps & Health Collection
If enabled by the user, ASCA may collect the number of steps you take to provide and improve the ASCA Conference application's use case and features. We do not share this information with any third party. The only data we collect is the number of steps taken through the duration of the conference each year (4 days).
We understand the importance of protecting your sensitive data. Steps data is encrypted on the server and we ensure that the collected step data is used solely for the intended purpose within the app for gamification with your schools.
The collected step data is used exclusively to enhance your experience within the application. We do not transfer this data to advertising platforms, data brokers, information resellers, or any other third parties.
We provide users with the ability to manage and delete their data from the app. You can access these options within the your user profile settings, and, at any time, you may navigate to the Walking Challenge page and remove this integration. If you have any questions or need assistance with data management, please contact our support team at [email protected].

How Does ASCA Ensure Compliance with its Privacy Policy?
ASCA is committed to making sure that its privacy policy is understood and respected by all of its employees. ASCA has taken the following steps to ensure compliance. All ASCA employees who collect or disclose information about members and customers are required to attend a training seminar to ensure that they understand the privacy policy and how this policy affects an individual's job responsibilities. In addition, regular network audits ensure that only ASCA employees who have a business need to access personally identifying information have such network privileges.

Access to ASCA network resources is limited to ASCA employees and interns. Access to data collected from visitors to its website is granted on an as-needed basis and is limited to full-time ASCA employees.

How Does ASCA Handle Concerns or Complaints?
ASCA believes individuals should have the right to review their personal information to ensure its accuracy. If you wish to review your data, please contact ASCA. Members that are concerned about the treatment of their personal data should contact ASCA's executive director.